About Dora Bramden and Contact InformationDora Bramden lives in Melbourne Australia with her husband. In her experience, love can heal a broken heart and that personal growth happens in loving relationships.
Romance is her favorite genre, because it explores growth through relationships. Inspired by the books she most enjoys reading, Dora began writing romance novels when she was home with small children. Later she completed a professional writing course and joined the Romance Writers of Australia. In 2013 Dora won best unpublished manuscript in the category section of the Romance Writers' of Australia's Emerald Competition. Dora's eBooks are available on Amazon. Besides writing , Dora enjoys gardening, crafting, cooking and decorating her home. If you'd like to contact Dora you can email her at [email protected] or follow her on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. Dora's novels and short stories can be viewed on her Books page or at amazon.com/author/dorabramden |