As promised last week, I'm posting pictures of this year's Christmas decorating. I haven't finished but am happy to share what I've done so far in the family room and bedroom. The traditional colors of red and green are a feature, but there is more focus on green and natural this year. I'm working on the theory that adding some natural touches to the decorations I have, and paring some of the glitzy gold and silver back a little, will bring a calmer vibration to my home. You can see in the close up picture above, I haven't used my red ribbon from last year on the tree and I've kept the decorations lighter in color with touches of red. The use of blush pink or rose gold balls helps to soften the overall effect. I still have some clothes peg stars to make and add to this tree, also some burlap ribbon bows so I'll post an update when that's been done. I also post to Instagram so you can keep a look out there too. The coffee table has a magazine tree that I made from folding the pages in at an angle. On the wall I have a wreath but there is still too much red, so I plan to switch the bows to burlap ones. Same as the ones I'd like to add to the tree. I also need something above the TV. Any suggestions? In the bedroom I kept my neutral linen look bedspread and only added a cranberry throw and pillowcase covers, from Laura Ashley, this year. Normally I'd use the whole doona set. I've added green picks with berries and fruit to some faux plants on the bedside tables. The reindeer pillow feature in the middle of the bed is there year round but needed something to tie it in with the theme, so I added a red bow to its antlers. Now I think he looks very festive but the cool blue/grey background ties the bed in with the grey feature wall.
There's still some craft and things to do in December and I plan to take my time and get as much entertainment from this time of year as I can. Come back to see how my wooden clothes peg stars turn out and I might have a surprise project to share also. Over December I'll also be working on the third book in the Baxter Sister series. I'm hoping to have it ready for release next March. Here are links below to the first two. Also I just want to mention that the Scottish Billionaire's Secret lover is set right before Christmas. The epilogue has a lovely Christmas day scene that can't fail to make you sigh with warm feelings. So if you like a Christmas read this is a story you'll enjoy. ![]() It’s nearly the end of November and this is the time of year my mind turns to decorating the house for Christmas and what presents I will buy for family and friends. I usually approach this preparation time with joy and confidence that I’m going to have a lovely time. In the past that has always been the case but this year it’s different for me. I’ve had so much sympathy for people who aren’t looking forward to the festive season. Many times have I heard people say, I don’t like Christmas it’s a sad time of year for me? I really feel for those people, and to help them cope I have suggested they take time to be sad but also focus on who they currently have in their life. To be sad at a time when everyone else seems to be happy makes it all the more poignant, so to be able to feel that you still have some joy is important. This year I have a taste of what they’re talking about and it’s my turn to practice my own advice. It’s the very first Christmas I’ve faced without my mother. She has been in my life since my first breath and now she’s not here and a large hole is left. Mum always made the Christmas plum pudding and added a generous amount of cheer. She had a warm and excited-to-see-you greeting for all that was infectious. Her gift to me is the example she set. Her mother passed when I was a teenager but Mum kept making Christmas day special for us. I’ll honour her by carrying on in the way she would want me to. She taught me how to make a plum pudding so I’ll be making one this year. And I’ll be focussing on the people I have in my life: my dear partner Sam; Dad; my kids and their partners; and Sam’s and my sisters and their families. Mum always decorated the house for Christmas so I plan to do that this week too. I’ve been watching Christmas decorating videos on YouTube for inspiration and motivation, fortunately that has been working. Below, I've included a video I made of my home last year if you’d like to have a look. I really always did love Christmas, the joy of buying gifts for loved ones and adding to my stash of pretty decorations. I think family and love are the themes that make Christmas so special and warm my heart. That still is so important to me. I included a Christmas scene in the epilogue of my book ‘The Scottish Billionaire’s Secret Lover’, because it was a way to show how wonderful it is for family to gather and give to each other.
My recently released book The Italian Billionaire’s Secret Baby” was inspired by an overseas trip to Italy that my darling mother paid for. I can’t believe she’s gone but I can believe that her love goes on and that she inspires me every day, also that Christmas day will be no exception. I encourage you to stay tuned for updates on the Christmas decorating I’ll be doing. There will be a blog about it with photos next week. In case I’ve piqued your interest in either of my books, the buy links are below. ![]() So It's our first Christmas together and Sam and I have bought a house. We're thrilled and can't wait to get into our new bigger place but we'll have a little while yet to wait. We don't settle until January and there are renovations needed so I've been driving myself crazy with a Pinterest addiction. I can't stop my fingers from wanting to scroll on my phone through the many possibilities that I could use to decorate our new home. If you follow me on Facebook you'll already have that news along with my extended family that my house has sold. My family had our once a year catch up/Christmas party last weekend and everyone was thrilled for us having read our news online. After the excitement of my auction was over, we moved Sam's furniture in to my house. It went from spacious luxury to cramped elegance. But it's worth it. We now have two TV's. That is heaven. I love watching home reno shows that are on at the same time as Sam's favorite Sixty Minutes or Sunday Night. We decided as it's out first year living together we'd like to do a combined family lunch so we will be setting up tresle tables in the loungeroom and serving Turkey and Ham buffet style. It feels strange to be having Christmas in a house I've sold. It's a kind of limbo land, living in a house that won't be mine for much longer. It's promised to another family and I feel like a caretaker on some level. I'm finding a way to decorate in a more restrained way this year, going for red and white mainly, Pinterest is full of inspiration and motivation. Sam and I have collected a few ornaments during our excersions to Christmas shops and they are on a smaller tree than I usually have. So the house feels a bit different this year. But once the family arrive and the bon bons are snapped it will have the feeling I love. Not all our loved ones will be at the table this year. Some have other places to be and one very special person has gone to heaven. But I know that the love we have stays constant no matter where our loved ones are. We'll drink a toast to absent family and enjoy the company of those who can be sitting at the table with us. I don't know if we'll be hosting next Christmas in our new home or who will be able to join us but I know one thing for sure, I'll be spending it with Sam and some of our family somewhere, and that's what Christmas is all about. Because I love it so much I couldn't help putting a Christmas scene in the epilogue of 'A Dance with the Laird'. There's something about family coming together to give to each other that makes me happy and want to cuddle someone. Even though I'm having Christmas in limbo land, I'll have the company of people I love and it will be just fine. Late last year a mystery illness, that had gone on for five years, came to a climax and was finally diagnosed but treatment left me in hospital for six loooong weeks. What has that got to do with romance at Christmas? I promise there’s a little romance to tell.
I’d survived the worst and made it home for Christmas with ten days to spare but had missed all the parties leading up to the big day. It was agreed I would spend Christmas at my Sister’s house. As I sat on the bed in her guest bedroom on Christmas Eve, I checked my emails. A lovely man had responded to my, online, E Harmony smile, sent before I became critically ill. I felt nervous about starting a relationship when I was still recuperating, but with my sister’s encouragement I accepted an email from him. He wanted to get to know me and asked if I’d like to have a coffee. Heart aflutter, I made my sister stay next to me as I replied. We emailed and back and forth and discovered we were both spending Christmas day at our sister’s houses. It was agreed that we’d meet for coffee soon and exchanged mobile phone numbers. Christmas morning he sent me a Merry Christmas email and wished me a lovely day. Last year, Santa gave me a loving, kind and understanding new partner for Christmas. This year, the two of us will be celebrating Christmas together. My gorgeous man is having lunch with my family and then we’re going to his family for dinner. Romance at Christmas isn’t just something that happens in books, it’s happened to me. Luckily we can all enjoy some Christmas romance through the novels set around this theme. Two novellas I recently read have let me relive the wonderful feelings of beginning a romance at Christmas. A Kirribilli Christmas by Louise Reynolds, warmed my heart. A woman who has been searching for the love she wants in another country returns home to find the love she deserves. The scene where Shelby and Dan are decorating the tree is my favourite. Her wounded heart is healed as she re-examines her childhood and falls for the young man who’d always loved her. Sigh. The other novella I read , Guarding Christmas: A Holiday Season Short Story by Jenny Schwatz was a reunion story also. Gray, a soldier who wants to settle down after active duty returns to woo the woman he’d left behind. But Yvie’s had enough of her quiet and settled life. She wants adventure and to realise a long held dream. Discovering that they belong together occurs during a thrilling, action packed lead up to Christmas day. It’s lovely. Being a time of family coming together and, for me, a time of new beginnings, Christmas and romance seem go hand in glove together. The warm feelings of connection are strengthened at Christmas time. Reading about romantic love blossoming at Christmas is a perfect way to celebrate the holiday season. I wish you a Merry Christmas and hope your Christmas wishes come true. |
Romance author and lifestyle bloggerMy whole life is inspired by romance. I write romance novels of course but also love creating DIY's and decorating in a romantic style. I'm rejuvenating an old garden, including rescuing a couple of old rose bushes and planting new ones. Archives
March 2021